Tired of minified files when you search through your project?

Tired of minified files when you search through your project?

How to exclude files in atom/sublime-text

Todos in SCSS

Todos in SCSS

How to easily create todos in CSS

When to use svg attributes

When to use svg attributes

quicktips for when you use attributes or not in svgs

How to use modifiers on modifiers with BEM?

How to use modifiers on modifiers with BEM?

Naming conventions on modifiers

Smarter toggling for good design and great performance

Smarter toggling for good design and great performance

How Skitch can help you become a better designer

How Skitch can help you become a better designer

When you are designing you get to a point where it suddenly says stop. This is a quick tip to get past that point.

A push from an astronaut

A push from an astronaut

How to become a plus one? Someone who actively adds value.