


Guess what? We’ve just added a brand new human to our family lineup! She’s a tiny 6-week-old bundle of joy, and we’re having a blast getting to know her. She’s starting to be more responsive now, which is absolutely delightful!


I’m officially on vacation for the next 4 weeks! With our little one around, our travel plans are pretty much on hold, but that just means more family time. ❤️

Side Projects

  • Two months ago, I rolled out Pie Menu, a radial menu tailor-made for macOS apps. It’s now part of Setapp, which has brought in a ton of feedback. Lately, I’ve been fine-tuning the roadmap based on user responses and diving into SEO to spread the word.
  • I also launched Hot Corners, a nifty macOS app that lets you launch applications by simply moving your cursor to a corner of your screen.


I’m currently in the rehab phase after shoulder surgery last December, thanks to a dislocation last year. My shoulder’s mobility is almost back to normal, but its strength is about half of my other shoulder. Now, I’m focused on building up that strength, and I’m really enjoying the process!