Light comes from above

Light comes from above

One design tip you'll see everywhere once you know it

Use fewer words

Use fewer words

Use fewer words.
Reducing your message by 50% can DOUBLE its effectiveness without losing the meaning.

Layering makes you dangerous

Layering makes you dangerous

This untold career strategy will make you stand out from the crowd.
Here’s how to make yourself indispensable.

7 things learned from publishing over 100 newsletters

7 things learned from publishing over 100 newsletters

I just wrote my 100th newsletter.
100 weeks. 100 mistakes.
7 things I wish I knew before I started:

The two device solution

The two device solution

How I use multiple devices to boost my productivity and focus

Stacc X year in review 2021

Stacc X year in review 2021

Daily we design and code things for our clients, but we're not often as good at sharing what we've done during the year. Then it's nice to take a step back and look at all the projects we've delivered and worked on during the year.

65 things I learned in 2021

65 things I learned in 2021

Did you know that 1 horse has about 15 horsepowers? Or that astronauts fingernails sometimes pop off during spacewalks and we don't know why? Here is 65 weird facts I learned this year.

Stay close to the final pixels

Stay close to the final pixels

The lines between design and code are becoming more and more blurred. You can choose to ignore it, or you can start embracing that code will make you a better designer.

Why selling our car and buying a cargo bike is the best investment we've ever done

Why selling our car and buying a cargo bike is the best investment we've ever done

Three years ago we sold our car and bought two e-bikes as a replacement. Purchasing a cargo bike is by far one of the best choices we've made over the last few years.

Return on design

Return on design

Why invest in design? Design can at times be very abstract and hard to quantify. Here is five hard numbers, three stories, and one framework to back it up.